Transparent Tray Applications in Orthodontics - Biruni Üniversitesi

Transparent Tray Applications in Orthodontics

    Yayın Tarihi :
    25 Tem 2023 Salı
Transparent Tray Applications in Orthodontics

    The purpose of orthodontic treatment in dentistry is to achieve proper chewing, speaking, and breathing functions, as well as to provide good dental, jaw, and facial aesthetics, while ensuring the permanence of the achieved results. To achieve this, braces/wires attached to the teeth or various removable appliances are utilized.

    The visibility of braces/wires on the teeth poses an aesthetic disadvantage.

    In today’s practice, it is possible to guide teeth to their ideal positions without the need for braces by using ‘Transparent Trays’.

    The use of transparent trays in treatment offers several advantages, such as the ability for patients to freely eat and drink what they desire, the option to temporarily pause treatment by removing the trays for social and professional obligations, easier maintenance and cleaning of the trays leading to a lower risk of tooth decay, the ability to easily perform other conservative dental procedures related to the patient’s teeth, the absence of risks associated with broken braces or injuries, and requiring fewer appointments. However, the main advantage of transparent tray treatment is the absence of visible wires or brackets, providing an aesthetic benefit.

    Transparent trays are prepared using a specialized software program based on dental impressions taken with intraoral scanners.

    In this software program, the anticipated final position of the teeth after treatment is visualized, and once the patient and the dentist approve it, the transparent trays are fabricated accordingly and delivered to the patient. It is recommended to wear these trays throughout the day, except during meals.

    Transparent trays can be used for all age groups and various types of dental irregularities.

    At our orthodontic clinic, we successfully carry out orthodontic treatments using transparent trays for patients who seek treatment.