Core Principles and Values - Biruni Üniversitesi

Core Principles and Values

    Core Principles and Values


    Our faculty is built upon the presence and continuity of ethical values in all functions of the faculty to achieve and enhance its mission.

    Academic Freedom and Autonomy

    Academic freedom and academic autonomy are essential core values of our faculty. Academic freedom refers to the individual or collective freedoms of teaching staff in researching, examining, discussing, documenting, generating, acquiring, and transmitting knowledge, whether verbally or in writing.

    Academic Integrity

    Academic integrity involves adhering to principles of truth, trust, fairness, justice, respect, and responsibility in putting academic ideals into action. In our faculty, it is fundamental to maintain honesty and adhere to ethical principles in all academic and administrative activities.


    The selection, appointment, or assignment of personnel is based on evaluations conducted in accordance with the required standards for a specific job, duty, or title, taking into account the criteria of talent, qualification, knowledge, experience, and integrity.


    Faculty members exercise their discretion in accordance with the principles of impartiality and equality, free from any arbitrariness, in line with the requirements of educational services. They cannot give priority, privileges, biased treatment, or engage in actions that contradict the principle of equality in favor of individuals, legal entities, political parties, individuals, or groups. Faculty members act in accordance with the awareness that educational services take precedence over personal or private interests, and they must not mistreat, neglect, apply double standards, or take sides towards those benefiting from the services.

    Awareness of Public Service in Fulfilling Duties

    Faculty members base the fulfillment of educational services on continuous improvement, inclusiveness, transparency, impartiality, honesty, accountability, predictability, and trust in declarations. Faculty members cannot use or allow the use of foundation buildings, vehicles, and other service goods and resources for purposes other than public aims and educational services. They are responsible for protecting and keeping them ready at all times.

    Compliance with Service Standards

    Faculty administrators and staff carry out educational services in accordance with established standards and processes. They provide necessary explanatory information to beneficiaries regarding their tasks and processes, enlightening them throughout the service process.

    Commitment to Purpose and Mission

    Faculty members act in line with the objectives and mission of the university and the faculty, keeping in mind the country’s interests and the welfare of society.

    Responsibility and Accountability

    Maintaining institutional harmony, mutual courtesy, and respect, and ensuring the responsibility of each member, is an indispensable duty. Faculty members are responsible for fulfilling all scientific and managerial activities and other assigned duties with the necessary quality and quantity. Personnel using foundation resources are obligated to be transparent regarding the use of resources and how the duties are fulfilled. Faculty administrators take timely measures required by their duties and authorities to prevent actions or transactions that are inconsistent with the purposes and policies of their units. They take necessary precautions to prevent negligence, intent, or corruption by personnel within their authority. These measures include implementing legal and administrative regulations, conducting appropriate training and information activities, acting attentively regarding the financial and other difficulties faced by personnel, and setting an example with their personal behavior in terms of ethics.

    Non-Discrimination and Respect for Others

    Faculty members respect differences and do not allow any form of discrimination based on race, language, religion, gender, ethnic origin, or other reasons. They demonstrate the same sensitivity regarding sexual harassment, violence, and mobbing. They treat their superiors, colleagues, subordinates, other staff, and beneficiaries with kindness, respect, and necessary attention. If the matter is beyond their authority, they direct it to the relevant department or authority.

    Avoidance of Conflict of Interest

    Conflict of interest refers to situations where faculty members have or appear to have any personal interests, financial or other obligations related to themselves, their relatives, friends, or the individuals or organizations they have relationships with, which may affect or appear to affect their ability to carry out their duties impartially and objectively. Personnel have personal responsibility in cases of conflict of interest. They act cautiously regarding conflict of interest and take necessary steps to avoid it. As soon as they become aware of a conflict of interest, they inform their superiors and distance themselves from the interests falling within the scope of the conflict. Faculty members cannot use their duties, titles, and authorities to benefit themselves, their relatives, or third parties or act as intermediaries.

    Protection of Fundamental Human Rights

    Faculty staff protects the fundamental rights and freedoms recognized by international agreements accepted by our country, as well as the basic rights and freedoms stated in the Constitution and laws. They respect individual differences and the dignity and personalities of all individuals.

    Respect for Nature, Environment, and Art

    Faculty staff behave sensitively towards all entities in nature, the environment, and art.


    In our faculty, no position or authority can deliberately ignore, deny, or conceal scientifically conducted research that has produced results. Each researcher has the right to conduct academic research and share research results in accordance with ethical principles based on their preferences and interests. The results of all types of research are freely published and announced in relevant professional and scientific environments unless there are scientific and professional confidentiality requirements. In cases where research needs to be announced or published in general press and media or social media, the announcement and promotion are made within the ethical values and principles of the faculty.

    In research activities, faculty teaching staff:

    Adhere to international academic standards and integrity in their fields and embrace quality on a global scale, not limiting themselves to local and regional standards. They value teamwork and collaboration with international groups. They engage in regular scientific activities every year, considering it as the essential duty of their academic profession, and make maximum efforts to freely explore and disclose knowledge in this context. They strive to continuously improve their scientific and academic competencies. They produce and transmit original knowledge under the principle of absolute honesty. In light of this principle, they never tolerate cases of plagiarism or copying. They adhere to scientific, professional, academic, ethical principles, and rules in all kinds of appointments, promotions, jury, and commission files, and do not provide misleading or distorted information and documents. They show respect to researchers, coordinators, contributors, supporters, subjects, related research topics, similar relevant research, and researchers in research collaborations.

    In educational activities, faculty teaching staff:

    Personally carry out their lessons and all obligations related to education and teaching. They make efforts to ensure that students freely learn the highest academic standards of their profession or discipline. They protect the rights and freedoms of students to learn, continuously develop their teaching methods, techniques, and materials, and support students’ rights to receive contemporary and quality education. They respect students and remain unbiased and fair in their approach and evaluations. They do not share confidential information about students with third parties except for legal requirements. They fulfill their academic advisory responsibilities with care. They do not engage in any relationships or behaviors with students that involve exploitation, harassment, or abuse. They do not accept gifts from students. They set an example for students through their behavior to internalize professional ethical values. They make efforts to provide support and assistance required by disabled students as required by legal regulations. They contribute to the development of young academicians. They evaluate their students considering different aspects and perspectives, encourage tolerance towards dissenting opinions, and form their own opinions based on solid evidence and logic.

    In management activities, faculty teaching staff:

    Adhere to the principle of competence in all appointments and promotions and do not discriminate based on religion, sect, group, politics, mentality, closeness, or gender in determining those who will participate in decision-making mechanisms. They participate in various committees and commissions, contribute to university management, and share necessary responsibilities. They do not take positions such as jury membership, refereeing, researcher, thesis supervision, research refereeing, expert witness, and decision-making positions outside their areas of expertise. They maintain absolute impartiality in all kinds of jury, refereeing, and expert witness duties. They do not engage in guided, directed, intentional, or controlled tasks under administrative, political, or group influence and do not make decisions. They do not become jury members in appointment and promotion commissions for individuals with whom they have a conflict of interest, nor do they participate in referee or decision-making positions regarding them. They work for the realization of academic autonomy, and they see respect for academic freedom and respect for different thoughts and opinions as the fundamental values of university life.

    In activities conducted for the benefit of society, faculty teaching staff:

    Carry out activities and publications aimed at informing and educating the society on fundamental issues related to human life, especially human rights. They voluntarily participate in educational and service activities required to raise awareness in the society within the scope of their expertise. In public statements, they distinguish their personal opinions from scientific findings.


    Faculty staff:

    Avoid attitudes, behaviors, and actions that would compromise their truthfulness and impartiality. Regardless of their status and position, they consider all stakeholders as equal individuals and do not discriminate against colleagues, employees, and students based on political reasons, race, language, religion, gender, ethnic origin, physical disability, or arbitrary and personal reasons. They avoid all forms of discrimination, develop awareness on discrimination, and act sensitively to take necessary measures against all forms of discrimination. They respect freedom of expression, provided that it does not contain violence, hatred, anger, insult, or defamation. They do not use their duties and authorities for personal gain or misuse them. They avoid presenting their personal opinions as binding for the university and the faculty. They cannot give binding guarantees or take initiatives on behalf of the faculty. They cannot make misleading statements. When expressing their thoughts and criticisms, they are constructive and measured. They avoid behaviors that would harm the reputation or careers of their colleagues and all faculty stakeholders. They consider respect for different thoughts and opinions as a fundamental value of university life. They do not engage in behaviors or actions such as violence, sexual harassment, abuse, or actions that lead to bullying, and when they learn that others engage in such behaviors, they initiate necessary actions against the responsible individuals. They adopt the principle of providing all kinds of education, raising awareness, and providing information on these issues. They behave efficiently, effectively, and frugally while using the assets, resources, workforce, and opportunities of the foundation, ensuring transparency and accountability in their work. They avoid wastefulness.

    They make efforts to play an effective role in developing the economic, cultural, and intellectual accumulation of society. They prioritize public interest by showing sensitivity to social issues (such as environment, health, education, justice, disabilities, etc.) and consider serving the society as a social responsibility. They provide services to the faculty with an understanding that will ensure trust in the faculty. They participate in various committees and commissions, contributing to faculty management. They act impartially and fairly in all matters related to management duties. They withdraw from decision-making mechanisms that concern themselves or their relatives. They comply with the rules regarding the proper functioning of faculty management and affairs and take responsibility for obtaining necessary information on relevant issues.

    Notification to Authorized Authorities

    Academic and administrative staff of the faculty report situations where actions or activities that do not comply with the ethical behavior principles specified in this directive or illegal actions are requested, or when they become aware of or witness such actions or activities while carrying out their services. Notifications, complaints, and reports to be made in accordance with Article 4 of Law No. 3071 on the Use of Petition Rights must include the name, surname, and signature of the notifier, as well as their business or residence address. Notifications, complaints, and reports that do not contain the name, surname, and signature of the applicant, as well as their business or residence address, are not examined.