The Magnificent 2022-2023 Dentistry Faculty Graduation Ceremony - Biruni Üniversitesi

The Magnificent 2022-2023 Dentistry Faculty Graduation Ceremony

    Yayın Tarihi :
    23 Haz 2023 Cuma
The Magnificent 2022-2023 Dentistry Faculty Graduation Ceremony

    Our faculty bid farewell to the graduates of the 2022-2023 academic year with graduation ceremonies. At the graduation ceremony held on June 22nd, our students experienced the joy of graduation.

    The ceremony, which took place at the Biruni University campus, was attended by our Rector, Prof. Dr. Adnan Yüksel, our Vice Rectors, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Solak, and Prof. Dr. Fatma Çelik, as well as the faculty members and families of our students.

    In his opening speech at the graduation ceremony, our Rector, Prof. Dr. Adnan Yüksel, stated, “Dear students, there is no doubt that this special day belongs to you.” He continued, “Throughout the years, you have attended classes and participated in various cultural, artistic, and sports activities in this beautiful and lush campus. To reach this day, you put in intense effort and hard work. Additionally, you formed beautiful friendships and cherished memories. I proudly declare that all the faculties and schools of Biruni University, including the one we are celebrating the graduation of today, hold a very reputable position in our country. Undoubtedly, your families are among the biggest supporters of your success. I know that the foundation of our pride and happiness today lies in the support and trust they have given you, and I congratulate each family individually. Besides your families, I am also deeply indebted to the valuable academicians of Biruni University who have put forth all their efforts to equip you with knowledge and skills in every aspect. Dear youth, with the high-quality education you have received at our University, which is in line with the requirements of the age, we have complete confidence that each one of you will achieve great success in your respective fields and contribute to building the future of our country. You are our hope and our future. As members of our family, you will always carry the identity of Biruni University with pride and continue to make us proud. On this beautiful day, I once again congratulate you, your professors, and your families, and sincerely wish that your paths and fortunes will always be bright.”

    The ceremony continued with speeches delivered on behalf of the graduates by Zeynep Ezer, the First Honor Student of the Dentistry Faculty English Program for the 2022-2023 Academic Year, and Gamze Açıkyol, the First Honor Student of the Dentistry Faculty. Our first honor student and other students who graduated with honors received their graduation certificates from our Rector, Prof. Dr. Adnan Yüksel, and our Dean, Prof. Dr. İlknur Özcan. At the end of the joyful ceremony, all the students threw their caps into the air.